Removing Pet Wee From Your Carpets

Removing Pet Wee from Your Carpets
Its vital to know about removing pet wee from your carpets, as new kittens and new puppies sometimes have accidents. You may also have moved into a rental property where they used to have pets, and can small pet wee on the carpets. Try the below methods first, then call us for a complete antibacterial carpet clean which will remove all traces of pet wee – permanently.
Removing Wet Pet Wee
Soak up with a towel or old rag, by standing on it. You will easily see the liquid transfer to the towel. Then sprinkle Baking Soda onto the area to neutralise the acidic PH, while the absorbency of the powder will soak up any remainder wet liquid from the carpet pile.
You may want to test a small section of carpet behind the sofa by wetting it and applying the soda first, to make sure your carpet is colour fast, but unless you have an expensive Persian rug, it should be fine.
Leave it there until the baking soda is completely dry, then vacuum up and it’s done.
Removing Dry Pet Wee
If the accident happens while you are out, and you find it by smell after the carpet has dried, don’t worry. Water mixed with White Vinegar will fix it. Dried urine is alkaline, so white vinegar will neutralise the smell and remove it from the carpet.
Mix two thirds of a cup of water with one third cup of white vinegar. Tip this into an empty spray bottle and spray the affected carpet area. Leave it for 5 minutes and then blot with an old towel by standing on it and treading on the spot.
Repeat once or twice to make sure it has all gone, when the smell disappears you can be sure it is all gone.