Listed Building Accredited Carpet Cleaning
Listed Building Accredited Carpet Cleaning
Owning any Listed Building is a big responsibility, whether it is a Grade1 or a Grade 2. Both are regognised as having a national importance and are therefore protected in Law inside the Planning system for architectural or historic interest. The property is also added to the UK list known as the: National Heritage List for England. Visit them online and you can find out if your home or business property is on the list, and its grading.
92 per cent of all Listed buildings are Grade II. This means that there are legal controls over any changes you may wish to make to the exterior and to the interior. Property owners must apply for Listed Building Consent to do any work that may affect the architectural or historic interest of their home or premises. It also applies to any extension that is built now or in the future.
Affecting Your Carpet Choice
This means that cheap poly fibre carpets will not be in keeping with the architectural or historic requirements and a natural and traditional wool carpet should be your choice. Any carpet cleaning company you select, should therefore be able to show you their professional accreditation as members of the National Carpet Cleaners Association, and their training Certificates. There should also be fully insured to protect your valuable possessions and expensive carpets from any accidental damage.
SJS Carpet Cleaners can provide both these things, PLUS a large number of customer testimonials for the quality of our work.
Have a Test Square Cleaned
We can perform a test square clean, so you can see exactly what the finished results will be. All our quotes are totally free and without obligation, but please don’t ask us to quote you over the phone… We always come and look personally at every job, to assess the carpet fibre, its condition and its level of staining, BEFORE we give you a quote. Did your last company do that?
Call SJS on: Leicester 0116 298 7082
or Loughborough 01509 215 858
or Email