How to Remove Halloween Make Up from Carpets and Upholstery

Halloween Make Up on Upholstery and Carpets

Whether it be you or the kids dressing up and having fun this Halloween, make sure you can save your carpets afterwards!

Cleaning make up such as eyeshadows and face powder from your carpets doesn’t usually cause any problems. With the make up being dry it is as simple as running a vacuum cleaner over the spot and that’s it done. But unfortunately, lipstick, foundation and other oil based Halloween make up items aren’t so easy.

Removing oil-based makeup stains from your carpet can be tricky task.

The prevent the stain from spreading, you need to take a paper towel and carefully dab (NOT SCRUB) the area to remove as much of the make up as possible. After this process is finished there are three options – you can use makeup remover product, rubbing alcohol or commercial upholstery and carpet stain cleaner. You should then dab a small amount of your chosen product on a small, inconspicuous area and wait.

If there is any risk from discolouration or deterioration of the fabric due to the chosen cleaner it will show up to 10 minutes.

If the test spot looks ok after the 10 minutes, it is safe to continue with removing the stain. (If the test spot doesn’t look ok, just pick up another cleaning product and try again.) Apply the chosen product using a washcloth onto the spot and blot gently. DO NOT RUB! Rinse and repeat until there’s no make up left on the cloth. Rinse the area and leave to dry.

If all else fails, get in touch with SJS, Leicestershire’s Professional Carpet Cleaners on 01162 987 082

(Picture Credit – Maria Casacalenda – Flickr)